miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2018

My opinion


Today I`m going to talk about my opinionon different topics.

Violence on television?

In this last time there has been an increase in violence that is shown on television, whether in television programs, movies or in the news. Violence exposed on television can lead children to develop aggressive behavior. Many of these behaviors are learned through observation and are easily remembered.  This is a big problem because when children have difficult situations to solve, doing it with violence will be something natural. I believe that parents should take responsibility for the content their children see.


I think adoption is a very good option for couples who can not have children or for people who choose to give a child a better life. Adopting is not an easy decision, because the couples who are going to make this decision have gone through difficult times trying to have children and assuming they can not do it. Parents often have feelings of vulnerability and impotence. The best thing for children is to generate a secure attachment, that the parent - child relationship is of quality and that there is the ability to impose discipline and at the same time be affectionate.

having pets at home?

I think having pets in the house is very good for the family. It allows to generate healthy habits like going for a walk being a great relief for people with depression or bipolar disorder. It makes the lives of people much more active because they have to be aware of the needs of their pets. In the case of children, it causes them to be more empathetic, active, sensitive and responsible.

chilean education?

I think that education in Chile is of poor quality. It does not encourage children to search for their own methods of study. It is based on learning from memory and repeating the same in tests. There is no adequate process of understanding and analysis. In addition there are many children per room, which makes it difficult for their learning process to be better.

sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2018

Postgraduate Studies

Hi Everyone!
Today I´m going to talk about my future postgraduate studies. I still do not have a clear idea of what I am going to specialize in, but I am attracted to the idea of studying Surgery and Traumatology of the mouth and maxillofacial. I like this specialty since it incorporates a lot of knowledge of other specialty of dentistry, such as pathology and oral radiology. Some of the topics to be discussed are; scientific method of investigation, basic fundamentals of surgery, biological bases of pathology, embryology, growth and facial cranial development. I would like to study this specialty in Chile, at the University of Chile. But if there is the possibility of doing it outside the country, I would happily take the option.

I would like to study some days of the week and work the days that I have available. As a part-time course. Before studying the specialty I would like to work in general dentistry. It is a way to get to know the work field and also to know the main health needs of people.

My Future Job

Hi everyone!
Today I´m going to talk about my future job. In the future, I want to practice my profession as a dental surgeon. I would like to work first in public health. I think it's a good place to start developing my profession. Also in our country, public health has many shortcomings. The current health system needs better professionals and another system of organization to increase the resources in another way.

I would also like to work in different regions of the country. Places that have less access to oral health. I would like to have a mobile clinic to visit different parts of the country and in this way to know how is the oral health situation in our country.

Finally, I would like to have a dental clinic in Padre Hurtado, the place where I have lived a large part of my life. Although it is located near Santiago, there is little access to health professionals. There is only one dentist for 65,000 people. For this reason I would like to have a clinic with professionals from different specialties, at reasonable prices, to improve the oral health and the quality of life of the people of Padre Hurtado.

For now these are my life projects, I have a long way to go but with effort and work I can achieve everything that I set out to do.

English Language Challenges

Hi Everyone! Today I´m going to talk about my experience learning english at university.  For me it was a very good experience. At school...