jueves, 28 de junio de 2018

My Favourite Food

It was very difficult for me to think about my favorite food because I love to eat.
In my family everyone knows how to cook but my grandmother does it every day. She has a garden with all kinds of vegetables to cook and  prepares most of the time traditional food. Of all the delicious things she cooks, what I like most are beans, and the best thing is that they can be prepared in many ways, always with many vegetables.

For example,
1. Granados beans; They are cooked in summer and prepared with corn and basil,  can be accompanied with tomato salad.
2. Beans with reins; They are cooked in winter and prepared with noodles, pumpkin and sausage.
3. Beans with mazamorra
4. Beans with Mote

5. Beans with rise

Then you will find a recipe to prepare beans with reins in these days of cold.


2 ½ Cups of beans
½ Kg of sliced pumpkin
2 Tablespoons of oil
½ Finely chopped onion
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 Teaspoon of colored pepper
½ Teaspoon of ground oregano and cumin
¼ Pack of noodles cut in half


1.- Put the beans and squash together in a saucepan with 1 ½ liter of hot water, cook on high heat for 25 to 30 minutes or until they are well cooked.

2.- Meanwhile, heat a frying pan with the indicated oil and add the onion with the garlic, sauté for a few minutes until it softens slightly. Season with the colored pepper and the oregano, cook again for a few more minutes.

3.- Add this sauce to the pot with the beans and add the noodles, cook for about 8 to 10 minutes until the noodles are cooked completely and thicken the preparation. Once ready serve when you like accompanied by a salad of tomatoes or celery if it's your taste.

miércoles, 13 de junio de 2018

My Favourite Subject


This year at the university has been very intense. The subjects of this year have been more complex and more related to future work in clinic. But that does not mean that these subjects are not entertaining to study. Currently, my favourite subject is "Scientific and Clinical basis for diagnosis in dentistry I".

It is very interesting because this subject covers several branches of the sciences such as biochemistry, physiology, pathology and semiology It helps the dentist in training to identify signs and symptoms through the clinical examination to recognize alterations of normality. Thanks to this knowledge we can recognize the most prevalent pathologies in oral mucosa, salivary glands, periodontal tissues, maxillary bones and teeth, in patients of all ages.

The subject begins with biochemistry, which studies the chemical composition of human beings. Especially proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and metabolic reactions.

Physiology studies the functions of each part of the body. It is related to the nervous, musculoskeletal, circulatory, respiratory, gastrointestinal, immune and endocrine systems.

Pathology is a branch of medicine responsible for the study of diseases. More specifically, this discipline is responsible for the study of the biochemical and functional structural changes that underlie the disease in cells, tissues and organs.

Finally, in semiology, the various pathological manifestations (signs or objective clinical manifestations and symptoms or subjective perceptions) are identified to form a clinical diagnosis.

All this knowledge allows me to see my profession from different prospectives and makes me understand all the dimensions that a disease can have. It is complex to study but it allows me to be better trained as a health professional.

viernes, 8 de junio de 2018

Medline Plus

In this blog I am going to talk about a website that helped me a lot in my first year of the career. In Anatomy, I learned about all the organs of the body, bones, muscles, etc. I had to study many types of diseases of the whole body, not just the mouth. In addition, I had to solve clinical cases in which it requires a lot of information about surgical interventions, diseases and their diagnosis, recommended drugs according to the case and which anatomical structure was affected.

For that I used the website MedlinePlus, which is supported by national library of medicine of USA. In this Website we can inform ourselves and learn about the systems of the body and its various components, disorders and diseases of any kind and education about well-being, prevention and planning.

In the diagnosis and treatment section, we can find information about surgery and rehabilitation, diagnostic tests, symptoms, alternative therapies, transplants and donations, and medication treatments.

In the diseases section we can consult about; injuries, mental health and behavior, problems of metabolism, infections, congenital defects, poisoning and toxicology, abuse of addictive substances, pregnancy and very common diseases such as diabetes and cancer.

It also has multimedia material and videos explaining how they affect diseases, how they perform surgeries, questionnaires on healthy lifestyles and games about health.

One of the things I like most about this website is that it can be used by all kinds of people, from professionals to patients. It is highly recommended for people to educate themselves about their illnesses and which is the protocol that the doctor follows to treat the disease.

Link: https://medlineplus.gov/spanish/

English Language Challenges

Hi Everyone! Today I´m going to talk about my experience learning english at university.  For me it was a very good experience. At school...