viernes, 8 de junio de 2018

Medline Plus

In this blog I am going to talk about a website that helped me a lot in my first year of the career. In Anatomy, I learned about all the organs of the body, bones, muscles, etc. I had to study many types of diseases of the whole body, not just the mouth. In addition, I had to solve clinical cases in which it requires a lot of information about surgical interventions, diseases and their diagnosis, recommended drugs according to the case and which anatomical structure was affected.

For that I used the website MedlinePlus, which is supported by national library of medicine of USA. In this Website we can inform ourselves and learn about the systems of the body and its various components, disorders and diseases of any kind and education about well-being, prevention and planning.

In the diagnosis and treatment section, we can find information about surgery and rehabilitation, diagnostic tests, symptoms, alternative therapies, transplants and donations, and medication treatments.

In the diseases section we can consult about; injuries, mental health and behavior, problems of metabolism, infections, congenital defects, poisoning and toxicology, abuse of addictive substances, pregnancy and very common diseases such as diabetes and cancer.

It also has multimedia material and videos explaining how they affect diseases, how they perform surgeries, questionnaires on healthy lifestyles and games about health.

One of the things I like most about this website is that it can be used by all kinds of people, from professionals to patients. It is highly recommended for people to educate themselves about their illnesses and which is the protocol that the doctor follows to treat the disease.


4 comentarios:

  1. That page served us a lot for the clinical cases, I love it <3

  2. It's good to know that I help you in anatomy, I think I'm going to use it!

  3. It seems to me a great page to start to learn about basic medicine, good post.

  4. I had forgotten that medline existed. It seems a very convenient website.


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