miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2018

Changes to my study programme

Hi Everyone!
Today I´m going to talk about changes that I would make in my university studies program. This year in particular has been very complicated in terms of academic load. This year I am studying the subject of "Simulation for clinical practice" where we have to develop manual skills to perform treatments and restorations. The complicated thing is that they demand a great amount of evaluated activities and there is no time to have mistakes. If you fall behind you can fail the subject.

I would make changes by better distributing calendar times and privilege learning instead of the number of approved activities. The fact of doing so fast activities is that we stop thinking that we are attending to a person and we concentrate only on the teeth or caries and nothing else. The profession is mechanized. To this is added all the other amount of subjects such as "health promotion and education", "anthropology", "evidence-based dentistry" and "diagnosis", which have a high level of academic demand.

I think the most important thing for dental students is not to mechanize professional practice. But rather worry about the patients, that there are different factors that cause the diseases and that the treatment considers those situations. For example, the socioeconomic level of the patient, if the health center is very far from home, his work, his habits of dental hygiene, the illnesses of his family. All that influences their behavior and how we can guide a solution to end their discomfort. Do not concentrate only on the tooth, because this way we are not generating a change of consciousness to help the patient.

3 comentarios:

  1. Youi shound manage the school. Everything is very clear for you.

  2. I also think that teachers want that we make thinks fast but they forget that we are learning


English Language Challenges

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