miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2018

My Opinion About Abortion

The Abortion is the most controversial theme in Chile. The debate of his Legalisation had extended for many years because our country is one of the most conservative respect of that. The different point of view between the people that believe the abortion is a murder, influenced mainly for church, in opposition to the people that is more liberal and believed that is the mother decision. In august of 2017 the government approved the law that allow the practise in some cases like: When the mother´s life is at risk, when the fetus will not survive and in case of rape. Although is a legal practise, even had a restrictions. 

In the history of Chile, the therapy abortion was permitted by the Health Code in 1931 but was abolished by the military dictatorship on September 15, 1989. Arguing that due to advances in medicine it was no longer justifiable. This facts enable to us that in our country the abortion it was done for a long time, in a therapeutic way, but is a reality.

 My suggestions for improvement this law is train and educate doctors in this procedures, improve the hospitals and clinics with appropriate instrumentals and pavilions. Educated the people and understand that is not a tabu theme. Is a reality and a right of woman.

I Believe that the abortion is decision of the mother and cannot be influenced by religion or prejudice. The woman is owner of her body and is able to decide if she can give a decent life to her son. Our Country should be more aware of this issue, in this way people will understand its importance for our society.

In this link are more information about the history of abortion in our country:

2 comentarios:

  1. thanks for the link, more information are always welcome

  2. I agree that it is a decision of the mother, should not be influenced by external factors.


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